Friday, February 24, 2017

UPDATE: Literateknolohitura Facebook Page Discontinues Shop Tab due to Several Issues

We are now turning Off the Shop tab in our Facebook page due to several issues.

A couple of years ago (year 2015), Facebook added a feature to their site. They've added a Shop tab for pages. I'm glad they made a Shop feature. I guess, they noticed more users used Facebook as a good venue for selling their stuffs. I shifted to use the new Shop tab leaving the traditional selling with using the photo album. But over the years, Facebook failed to fully develop this feature. I found several issues.

buggy shop tab of facebook

Do you use the Facebook Shop tab too? Or planning to use it? Be informed. See the issues i found below:

Here are the found issues over the years of using the Facebook Shop tab:

(continue scrolling down or click "Read more")

Uploaded photo(s) forcefully cropped in the product listing:

facebook shop forcefully cropped photos

Some product listings don't show for some users:

facebook shop don't show all product listings
Brief Translation: "I can't see all of the books you're selling in the Shop..."

Comment section of the product listing don't show to some users:

facebook shop don't show comment box
Brief Translation: "There's no comment section (in the Product listing)

And recently, they roll out a new sub-feature of the Shop tab, the setting of Out-of-stock. To my surprise, all of my for sale books were set to Out-of-stock:

The remaining books that are still for sale have been moved to new photo album (see below):

Note: some limited sales have been removed. "The Satanic Verses" and "Atlas Shrugged" are no longer for sale.

Get our updates, visit our Facebook page below:

If you are selling and you want to use the Facebook Shop tab, hope this post made you aware of the issues.

Thank you for continued patronage!

Otakore Literantadodist
February 24, 2017

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  1. I haven't mastered the shop of Facebook though I started it on my page. I'll check if I have the same issue.

  2. I haven't tried the Shop feature on FB. For online selling, I use Shopee.

  3. Too bad literateknolohitura wasn't able to resolve these issues. It could have been a haven for book lovers.

  4. Didn't know Facebook has these issues. Let me check mine. Good thing you were able to find solution for this. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.
