Friday, September 15, 2017

Book Review: Interworld #1 by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves

Lazada Philippines

interworld book front coverTitle: Interworld
Author(s): ,
ISBN: 9780061238963
Series no. 1
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published date:
Language: English
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Fiction

I bought this book a couple of years ago. I just noticed this book while appreciating the look of my bookshelf. You know me, I hoard good-looking books or popular authors and just display them on my bookshelf then read later which will take me months or years before I notice them again. That's what happened to this book.

(continue scrolling or click 'Read more' to read more)

interworld series 1 novel rear cover

interworld book 1 without dust jacket

This book has 200 plus pages and easy to finish in 2 to 3 days. I find the story cool and funny. This book is good for Young Adult readers. There are conversations in the story where it sounds so geek that is impossible for me to understand without the brain of Einstein but they're comprehensible because they're not meant to be understood with science or technicalities our current world. Yes, speak of the world, the setting of the story is in the Altiverse. From what I understand, Altiverse is the alternate universe of the multiverse. It's multiverse. I think It's just an alternate meaning of Multiverse hence it's multiverse. It sounds comprehensive.

I first thought this book is only a single story but I realized it has a sequel and a trilogy according to Goodreads and Wikipedia. And also, the ending is cut short where obviously there must be a sequel to it.

Because I enjoy this book, I'll give this book a rating of 3.8 / 5.0





  1. This sounds like a very interesting book and I enjoyed the review . I'm going to add this one to my reading list! Shell

  2. Sounds like you enjoyed it, if you finished it in 2-3 days straight. Looks like an interesting read; even though I'm far from YA, I still like to read a YA book every once in awhile...they can be fun!

  3. I know Neil Gaiman but I have never read anything by him before. I know he is famous for graphic novels, is that right? Is this also a graphic novel?

    1. Yes. He is famous for his graphic novel titled the Sandman. This one I reviewed here is a Young Adult novel. It's just the cover art that makes it look like a comics :)

  4. Sounds interesting! We would also like to appreciate the look of the books in your bookshelf! Would be great if you could share a pic! I used to read novels and fictions, but not any more! May be for this I'll give it a try!

  5. Great review!! This book sounds so nice and interesting to read. Will definitely check this and added to my book list to buy.

  6. 1st time i heard this book.. haha kinda really new to me, and honestly i got confused about the multiverse atliverse thingy that you wrote.. though this seems like good read.. 200 pages isnt that long :)
